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Vicipaedia:De iubilaeo Anglice

E Vicipaedia

[English summary:] Happy New Year 2016! We agreed on the Taberna to devote the whole of 2016 (our Jubilee as Helveticus called it) to extending and improving the text of Vicipaedia pages. This is how you can help:

  • If you want to create a new page that is mainly text, is not too short, and cites sources, don't hesitate! Do it!
  • If you see an existing page that is too short, contains errors, or is imperfect, add text and improve it!
  • If you are about to create a new very short page, think again ... could you write a longer page? Could you improve an existing page instead?

But all Vicipaedians are free. Short pages, as long as they meet the definition of a stipula (see Formula:Non stipula) will be accepted as before.